When the Destructive Storm Hits You Need to Hire a Contractor for Repair

Storms with lightning, hail, or high wind can cause damage to almost any type of home. When damage does ocur, homeowners will need to act fast to make sure everything is repaired before anything else happens. Though there may not be much that can be done during the storm, as soon as it has ended, homeowners will want to jump on having repairs completed and make sure everything is fixed quickly. Insurance should cover the damages, so start with an assessment as soon as possible after the storm ends.
Assess the Amount of Damage
Homeowners can and should take a look at the damage on their own once the storm is over. Some damage is easy to spot from the ground, so the homeowner will have an idea of what's wrong and what repairs may be needed. However, homeowners will want to hire a contractor to get an accurate idea of what damage has been done and what repairs will be needed.
A contractor will inspect the roof thoroughly and have the industry experience to know what repairs are needed and how much they'll cost. The contractor can write up a quote for the repairs at this time. It is important to note that there could be hidden damage that will need to be repaired as well, but the quote should be accurate for what can be seen immediately after the storm.
Work With the Insurance Company
Most homeowner's insurance policies will cover storm damage, but there are times when the damage may not be covered. If the roof was too old, for instance, the insurance company may not be willing to provide as much money for the repair. However, it is important to let the insurance company know about the damage and to work with them to have everything repaired.
Anything that is covered by the insurance company can be repaired by a professional and the insurance policy will pay the professional for the work. In many instances, the professional will be willing to work directly with the insurance company, saving the homeowner quite a bit of time and frustration.
Decide on the Order of Repairs
The contractor and the homeowner will want to discuss the order for the repairs. If there is roof damage, there is likely water damage inside the home, as well. The roof should be fixed first to prevent any further damage if it rains. Then, any other exterior repairs can be done.
Once the exterior of the home is in good shape, interior repairs can begin. It is a good idea to remove anything from inside the home that has suffered water damage to prevent mold growth while the exterior of the home is repaired. Exterior repairs will prevent more water from coming inside, however, so once those are done, it's possible to tackle any interior repairs without worry.
Check for Hidden Damage
It's possible there is hidden damage that is difficult to see until the roof is removed or interior walls that are water damaged have been taken out. This is common and something homeowners should expect. If any hidden damage is found, the contractor will need to notify the insurance company to make sure the extra repairs will be covered. If there are any issues with coverage, the contractor will let the homeowner know so decisions can be made for what to repair and when. If the insurance company does cover the hidden damage, the next step is to start the repairs.
Prevent Further Damage to Home
Repairs, especially significant ones, aren't going to be done overnight. If a storm causes a significant amount of damage in an area, it's possible contractors will be backed up quickly, so it may take a few weeks before the repairs can begin. This can also happen if the materials needed for repairs are in short supply due to the storm.
If this happens, it's important to cover the roof to prevent water from getting inside. Done properly, this is a temporary measure that can help protect the interior of the home and any belongings inside. The contractor the homeowner works with should be able to help with this task to make sure it's done right.
Stay Organized
A homeowner may need to work with different contractors on the various repairs that are done for their home. No matter if they work with one contractor or many, they'll receive receipts for any work that's done. It's imperative the homeowner keeps these receipts, photos of the damage, and any other paperwork organized.
A file folder is typically sufficient as long as everything is together and the homeowner can access the receipts and other information as needed. It is recommended homeowners scan and save documents as well so there is a backup if anything does get lost.
Learn About Storm Prep
No matter how long someone has owned a home and how much experience they have, there are always things to learn. Homeowners will want to review common ways to prevent storm damage to help protect their homes further in the future. This includes keeping trees trimmed, inspecting the roof regularly, bringing in outdoor furniture when possible, and more. With the right prep and a plan in place for future storms, it may be possible to reduce the number of hazards outside and near the home, helping to prevent major damage to the home in the future.
Even with preventative measures in place, storms can still cause significant damage to homes. When this does happen, hiring a contractor to handle the repairs should be the first thing a homeowner does. The contractor will help them through all of the next steps, including working with the insurance company, to secure the home and to get the repairs done as quickly as possible. Talk to a contractor today to learn more about the services available, find out how they can help after storm damage happens, and to schedule a consultation for any storm damage that may have occurred.