Tips To getting Insurance To Pay For Roof Replacement

There are many reasons that roof replacement becomes necessary. Roof damage can happen at any time and in any part of the world. If you're trying to get your insurance company to cover the cost of roof replacement, there are a handful of things to ensure understanding of. The reason the roof damage happened, how old the roof is, its condition if proper maintenance is done on it, and more are all considered. It is essential to read and understand the insurance policy, including the fine print, to have the best chance of getting insurance to cover the cost of roof replacement.
Reasons for roof damage
- Aging shingles - If they get old, they don't perform as well. The shingles aren't as strong, and if high winds occur or other weather bumps, the shingles can become even more damaged and lead to roof damage.
- If proper maintenance isn't done on the roof, that could lead to roof damage. Therefore, maintenance is essential in ensuring a long-lasting roof.
- Various weather systems can create detrimental effects on a roof. For example, high winds, rain, snow, etc., all affect shingles.
- If you live very hot somewhere, that high UV ray does impact the roof shingles.
- Improper installation of the roof by improper roofers.
Common reasons why roof insurance claims are denied
Some insurance companies can make it difficult to get a roof insurance claim approved. They often send their adjuster to assess the roof. Because the adjuster works for/with the insurance company, it can sometimes lead to biases and not accurately represent the situation with the roof.
Examples of why roof insurance claims are denied:
- The adjustor finds that the roof wasn't installed initially correctly, which means that the fault of the damage rests on the roofer.
- The adjustor found that the roof material was faulty, which is the manufacturer's fault.
- The adjustor finds that the roof was improperly maintained and not taken care of, which would be the homeowner's fault.
- The adjustor finds that the damage is only visual, and the roof is still functional and protects the home.
Why are so many roof insurance claims denied?
Roof insurance claims can be challenging to have approved. Roofs carry a hefty price tag, and insurance companies want to ensure that they pay the correct claims.
Tips To getting Insurance To Pay For Roof Replacement
Understand your insurance policy
Make sure you have read the fine print and know what your policy covers. Ensure you have a copy of the policy, and if you have questions, you can contact your insurance agent and/or a good roofing contractor with experience in insurance claims. A good roofing contractor can help take the stress off of you for the entire experience. Understanding your insurance policy can save a lot of headaches. The insurance company will not pay to replace the roof if the roof is not installed correctly by proper roofers. Before you file the insurance claim, make sure you understand the policy.
File the claim on time
Make sure the claim is filed within the time frame that the policy states. Assume there isn't any wiggle room or exceptional circumstances and make sure you file on time. If you are unsure in any way, make sure to contact your insurance agent to verify. Don't miss the deadline.
Have the roof independently inspected and document it
Hire your own inspector to inspect the damaged roof and have it documented. Sometimes, when an insurance company sends their inspector, the inspector is supposed to deny the claim so that the insurance company isn't stuck with the bill. Having an objective, unbiased opinion can help turn the denial into an approval. This also helps to ensure the validity of the insurance claim.
Provide before and after photos to the insurance company
This tip is only helpful if you read this post before the damage occurs, but it's a good point nonetheless. First, you should have photos of the roof. The photos should be clear enough that the insurance company can see the condition. Then, after the damage occurs, retake photos. Ensure that the photos are dated and that they remain current.
If you're reading this and your roof isn't requiring replacement, then still take photos. Photos can be detrimental with insurance, and you never know when you might need to use your insurance for roof replacement. Also, documenting the state of the roof along with the date can prevent stress in the future.
Know the age of the roof
Some insurance policies change once the roof is a certain age. Make sure you're aware of the roof's age, as it can make a significant impact on whether the claim is approved or denied. It is more common for roofs ten years and younger to be approved wih ease rather than older.
If you're aware that your roof is older than the insurance company likes, it might be time to replace it yourself. You want to ensure that your home insurance policy is always working for you and that you're always covered.
Get an estimate
It is expected that upon going through the claim, the insurance company will want an estimated cost of replacing the roof. It's common practice that the insurance company would want multiple estimates. This is something you can be prepared for and get multiple estimates done.
Ensure you find a roofing contractor with experience handling and understanding insurance claims
This one tip can make a massive impact on the entire experience. Make sure you connect with a roofing contractor who can help and guide you through the experience with as little stress as possible. A roofing contractor can help figure out how to comply with the insurance company to replace the roof.
The final word on getting insurance to pay for roof replacement
It might not seem easy to do, but it is possible. Make sure you stay organized and aware. Read the policy, have photos ready, and date everything. Find a roofing contractor with experience with insurance claims, which will make things much more manageable. Stay on top of regular maintenance of your roof and read the fine print.