Solar Power, Its Uses and Cost Savings

Humans have been harnessing the power of the sun for centuries. It allows us to grow food and start a fire for warmth and cooking. It provides light for us to see and gives our bodies essential vitamins to live healthy lives. Thanks to advances in technology, the sun can now supply our electrical needs as well. When you think of solar power today, you might think of those big, dark panes of glass in a field or on top of a house gathering the sun's rays. That, of course, is the typical means of solar power collection, but other ways are being developed every day.
A simple solar cell works by a process called the photovoltaic effect. The sun's rays hit the solar cell with its photovoltaic material. This solar energy is then sent to an inverter which transforms the electricity from direct current (think your common battery) into the widely-used alternating current that most houses run off of. This electricity can be tied in to support the wider utility grid or stored, pre-inverter, in local battery banks to power a house.
How Solar Power is Used
Solar power is used in an impressive amount of ways. If you climb your front steps at night and can see where you are going, you may have solar power to thank. Path lights are often powered by the sun, and porch light frequently uses photovoltaic cells to know when to turn on in the evening. The uses of solar are further-reaching than your front door, however.
Many homes, both on and off-grid, use solar power to supplement or even completely run their household electricity needs. A complete solar power system can be installed on the weekend and provide power for years. A home solar setup usually consists of an array of panels facing the sun, either on top of the roof or installed in a separate but nearby position. The direct current electricity from the panels is then stored in a battery bank for on-demand use in the house. Appliances and light can either use this DC electricity as-is, or an inverter can transform the power into alternating current, which is the most commonly used form of electricity. Added personal uses include solar charging devices for personal electronics and car batteries and small solar setups for camping and RVing.
Industries are hopping on board the solar revolution by adding large panel arrays to their businesses. This serves to offset typical electricity costs, give tax breaks, and contribute to environmental responsibility.
The applications of solar power are endless and constantly evolving. It has become an accessible and viable power alternative.
How Solar Saves Money
One of the most immediate and sought-after benefits of solar power is its potential to save money. Energy prices are not dropping, and with other pressing financial concerns for most families, the investment in a solar power system could save a ton of money. Installation of personal solar power systems used to be expensive. No longer! Prices for installations have dropped 89% since 2010, making it affordable to add to a new or existing home. Solar panel systems require little upkeep or maintenance and last a long time. Many governments, both national and local, are giving substantial tax benefits and subsidies to homes that include solar in their lives. The efficiency of power generated by these systems is getting better all the time, leading to better usage and less dependence on costly grid power.
While the exact dollar amount in savings will vary greatly by the house, usage needs, and setups, the average expected savings over 20 years in the United States is estimated anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000. That number is expected to rise as technology improves, making solar power an outstanding investment.
How Solar Helps the Environment
With the advent of climate change and the depletion of non-renewable fossil fuels, clean energy is more relevant now more than ever. The most effective way solar power helps the environment is by reducing pollution levels. Fossil plant fuels that create pollution are not needed in solar power production, reducing carbon emissions and helping the environment. Power plants also use an enormous amount of water in energy production to cool their generators and reactors. This not only consumes another vital resource but often pollutes the water, which then goes back into the environment. Solar eliminates the need for such consumption.
Many countries used solar power systems installed on personal properties to supplement the grid's power production. They will generally offset the homeowner's price of electricity and give tax incentives. Tying home-level solar power into the grid reduces the power plant's need to work as hard, thereby reducing emissions.
Solar power and its clean-energy cousins are some of the best ways to help fight climate change and save the environment.
How To Supplement Your Solar Power System
Sometimes, if you want to go completely green or off-grid, you may need to supplement your solar with other clean energy sources. For example, if it's a cloudy day, you won't have much sun, but you may have a lot of wind. Personal wind turbines are a popular add-on to a solar power system. The two can work in conjunction to provide constant, clean energy to your home.
Do you have running water on your property? If so, then consider adding a personal hydropower generator to your system. Geothermal power is another example of clean power production being used in homes. It can replace your HVAC system, saving you even more money. By diversifying your power sources, you can then cut all ties to the grid and have renewable energy all the time.
Taking the step to invest in alternative energies for your home may be daunting at first but can end up saving you a ton of money in the long run. Many people are opting for this clean energy to save money and have peace of mind, knowing that they are doing their part to save the environment. If you live in a sunny, windy, or warm place, consider adding clean energy to your power portfolio.