How to Maximize Storage Space in Every Room of Your House

Whether you live in a small home or things are just starting to feel cluttered, just about everyone wants more storage space. Making the most of your existing space can make a big difference in your home feeling less cluttered, improving your mood and well-being.
However, maximizing storage space can seem a little overwhelming, especially when you know you need to tackle every room.
Thankfully, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can put into place to get the most out of your storage space. No matter the size of your home, closets, or any other “traditional” storage location, you can safely and efficiently get your belongings packed away neatly, and enjoy a clean, decluttered, and well-organized home.
If it sounds too good to be true, it doesn’t have to be. Let’s look at a few ways you can maximize storage space in every room of your house, so you can start decluttering and reorganizing right away.
Clean Away the Clutter
Have you ever wondered why your storage space feels so limited?
Are you nervous about opening your closet because you’re worried many of your belongings will fall on you? That might happen in movies more than in real life, but hiding things away in any storage space they can find is the norm for some people.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t eliminate the problem.
Consider decluttering instead of stuffing everything into a closet, cabinet, or drawer. There are many benefits to removing clutter from your home, including
- It helps to reduce anxiety and depression
- It promotes better sleep
- It reduces allergens in the home
- It establishes a happier, healthier environment
Go from room to room and determine what you’re willing to get rid of. You can donate as much as you’d like rather than throwing it away. Or, consider selling it online or hosting a yard sale to make a little extra cash from your past treasures. If you want to get rid of electronics, consider contacting local organizations like Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity to make sure you’re doing so responsibly.
Decluttering gives you a cleaner slate to start with as you try to maximize your storage space. You’ll be able to focus on creating a more effective room without too much “stuff” getting in the way.
Maximizing Room in Small Spaces
It’s not uncommon for people in small homes to want more space. The limited storage space you do have should be optimized to hold as much as possible without making you worry it will all come tumbling down at any moment.
Closets are the ideal in-home storage spots, so make sure you know some of the best space-saving hacks for them. One of the easiest ways to make a small closet space work for you is to invest in some space-saving tools, including
- Hanger chains
- Track shelves
- Compression bags
- Over-the-door organizers
If you don’t have many closets in your home but you have an extra room that you’re not utilizing, consider transforming it into a storage space. Even if it’s a small room, you can fill it with clothes, home decor, books, toys, and other belongings in plastic bins. Make sure to label everything so you can get to it quickly!
A good rule of thumb for making the most of closet space is to use every square inch. Most people hang clothes on a closet bar, and they might store a box or two on an upper shelf. However, there’s likely a lot of room left that isn’t being utilized. Install more shelves above the clothes bar or even on each interior side of the closet to stack things like shoes and other personal belongings.
You can even use the empty floor below for storage by putting things in bins, installing a shoe rack, or putting in lower shelves or drawers.
Go Vertical
If you live in a home that doesn’t have a lot of existing storage space, you can create some of your own by “going vertical.”
The walls in your home can be used for creative decor, beautiful paint colors, and storage. Utilizing your vertical space will help to keep your home clean and decluttered while making it more comfortable and interesting as it shows off your personality.
Consider hanging a spice rack on the wall rather than using a whole cabinet in the kitchen. Store cutting racks behind cabinet doors, and place cookbook racks on your cabinets.
In your children’s rooms, display some of their favorite toys and collectibles on shelves rather than storing them in clunky bins that take up a lot of space.
You can even go vertical with your decor and save room. Consider putting together a gallery wall for your favorite family photos. Hanging them directly on the wall will save you space on shelves, the tops of tables, and dressers. It will also provide a “cleaner” look to your home while allowing you to enjoy your memories every day.
How to Stay Organized
For some people, decluttering and finding a proper storage location isn’t the problem. Rather, it’s keeping things that way.
Life is busy and can get hectic sometimes. If you find that your best efforts to stay organized and keep things properly stored tend to fall away after a few weeks, it’s time to implement a better plan.
First, make sure you have everyone in your family on board. Things will become a cluttered mess quickly if you’re the only one trying to maximize storage space. If you need things put back or stored a certain way, make sure everyone living in your house knows about it. Second, give them all weekly jobs. The last thing you want is to “start over” with your organizational efforts every few months. When everyone in the house is taking care of it weekly, it’s less likely to become overwhelming.
Whether you have a small home with one or two closets or you live in a bigger house and have more “stuff” than you’ll ever know what to do with, it’s just as important to maximize your storage space. Keep these ideas in mind to make the most of your storage areas in every room of your house. It’s easier than you might think to fit everything in and stay organized while doing it.