How to Maintain Your Home This Summer |

When the weather changes, so do our lifestyles. Suddenly, we’re spending more time outdoors and participating in new activities. However, these aren’t the only changes that summer brings. In fact, this season tends to have the largest impact on how we take care of our properties. Here is how to maintain your home this summer and a few tasks you should definitely have on your checklist.
Change Your A/C Filter
First, make sure you change your air conditioning’s air filter. The warmer it gets outside, the more essential it will be to have a cool place to retreat when it gets to be too much. As such, you want your home’s air quality to be as healthy as possible during this time. A/C filters collect millions of dust particles in a single week and will circulate them throughout the home if you leave them unchecked. So if you want to keep your home clean and breathe easier indoors, changing them out is the best way to do this.
Wash and Seal Your Windows
Take the time to wash and reseal your windows. These glass surfaces can accumulate a lot of dirt and grime from the previous seasons. This buildup makes them difficult to see through and reduces the amount of natural light that makes its way into your home. Fluctuating weather can also break the seals around your window frames—letting air out and wasting energy. Because of this, it’s best to reseal these areas with caulk, then wash them to ensure they’re performing to their fullest potential.
Inspect Your Plumbing
Another thing you can do to maintain your home this summer is to make a habit of inspecting your plumbing systems. Though pipe bursts tend to be more common in the winter, your plumbing has a higher chance of developing clogs and leaks during the warmer months. There are various other plumbing problems that develop during the summer as well. For these reasons, regularly inspecting various parts of your home’s piping may be the key to preventing a disastrous situation.
Trim Back the Hedges
Make sure you’re occasionally taking the time to trim back your yard’s foliage as well. Hedges make the perfect border for your property because they provide privacy without appearing unsightly. But this isn’t always the case if you allow them to grow beyond your control. Bushes can get fairly large during the early spring. Keeping them manicured can do a lot of good for the look and value of your home.