How to Create a Safe Family Home in 10 Steps

A family home should be a place for creating memories, having fun, and feeling safe. Some homes come with a variety of safety measures already in place, but there are always improvements you can make to make it even safer. Here are ten ways to make your new home as safe as possible for your family.
Purchase a Home Security System.
There are a variety of options for home security systems in today's modern, technologically based world. There are cameras that can be installed in your doorbell, above your garage, on gates, or wherever you park cars. A security system often deters potential burglars from breaking into homes and cars.
Inspect Plumbing Annually.
An annual plumbing inspection completed by a licensed and insured professional company (or individual) will protect your home from most plumbing emergencies and problems before they can arise. A plumber will go through your house, inspecting water and gas lines, to ensure everything is in working order. By checking your sewer lines for small blockages and your water lines for miniscule leaks, you can easily prevent them from becoming full blocks and serious floods. Water damage is very time consuming and expensive to reverse.
Check for Electrical Problems.
Homes need working electricity to function safely. Your home's main server panel may need an inspection by a licensed technician if your home keeps losing power or the electric switches are not working properly. Older homes have old wiring, so it is necessary to replace wiring as time goes on. When working on updates to the home, a new barn or shed, or anything else that requires electricity, you will need an electrical disconnect switch for safety reasons.
Fumigate Pests.
A safe home should be a pest free place. Wasps and fire ants can be irritating pests for most people, but they are also a common source of allergic reactions. Take care of wasp nests and ant hills as quickly as possible in safe conditions. You can hire a professional service that will spray your front and back yard for a variety of pest species. If you have termites, you may need to vacate your home for a few days in order for the home to be properly fumigated. If you see evidence of rodents (or other species) in your garage or attic, then take care of that issue as soon as possible in the most humane way possible.
Install Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
It is imperative that your home have properly working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These devices have saved countless lives from terrible accidents, especially carbon dioxide monitors. Carbon monoxide is odorless and cannot be seen by the human eye, so you need a device to alert you to the presence of this poisonous gas. Smoke in your home alerts you to a fire, so smoke detectors can save your life and the life of your home from a fire. You should make sure your alarms are working properly throughout the year too.
Install Railings and Safety Gates.
This tip is crucial for family homes that include small children or the elderly. Railings should be installed during the building process of a new home; for example, any stairs in the home (whether it's a whole flight or a couple between rooms) should have a handrail as a safety precaution. Make sure the stairs down to the basement or up to the attic are safe for all appropriate ages. You should also install safety gates around your home to keep little ones out of potentially dangerous areas (like a laundry room or garage.) One of the most important places to install safety measures is around a pool in the backyard. This will keep small children and animals from falling in.
Purchase a Safe for FireArms.
Lock away your fire arms and any other weapons in a safe. You should purchase a firearms safe to keep these items away from children of any age and ability. Fire arms are for adults and for those adults who have been properly trained. Home invaders often look for firearms, as well as other valuables, because of their monetary value, so keeping them locked away also keeps the community you live in safer. If you do not own firearms, then a small safe for valuable jewelry or family heirlooms is a smart purchase, even if you only use it when you're on vacation or away for an extended period of time.
Lock Away Chemicals.
Cleaning supplies are full of dangerous chemicals, even the ones that are green and safer for the environment. Make sure you keep cleaning supplies locked away from children and pets. You can allocate everything to one or two locations to minimize the number of locked cabinets or closets around your house. That way everything you need to clean and sanitize is easy to find. This tip also applies to any medicine and prescriptions you keep on hand in the house.
Maintain Your Fence and Gates.
Your home's fence is the first line of defense against burglary and helps maintain your privacy from neighbors. Make certain your fence (and any gates leading to your yard) is in proper working order. Fix any loose boards, patch up holes, and replace it when necessary. You can always make a fence stronger and higher if you want extra security and more privacy. Properly fenced yards also help keep your children and pets safe at home and away from the street.
Fire Extinguishers are Required.
Last, but certainly not least, it is very important for you to have fire extinguishers on hand at home. Keep one in the kitchen and one in the garage (if you have one) as these are the most common locations where fires in the home begin. Make sure you and any older children know how to use one, if even vaguely. Remember to call 9-1-1 in the event of a fire, regardless of using the fire extinguisher to put out any flames.
When your home is safe and secured, your family will be safe and secured.