4 Things To Consider When Choosing a Septic Tank | Billy.com

Installing a new septic system for your home isn’t as straightforward as choosing a tank and placing it in the ground—many factors play into the decision-making process! Are you looking to use this waste management system? Ensure you’re choosing the suitable septic tank for your home by considering the factors that affect your choice.
Local Codes & Regulations
Each county has varying codes and regulations regarding the placement and use of your septic system. You never want to begin installing a tank only to find out it breaks a local code. Contact a consultant or the authorities responsible for these codes to ensure you choose and place the correct septic tank.
Determine the Size of the Tank & the System Design
Did you know there are different types of septic systems? The system and tank you choose depend on your landscaping or geographical location—for example, if the water table below your home is high, a mound septic design can help dispose of your wastewater better than a conventional system. Other factors to consider regarding the size of your tank include the size of your house and how many occupants will be using the showers, sinks, and toilets.
Septic Tank Materials
Not every septic tank consists of the same material. You can decide between concrete, coated steel, plastic, and fiberglass tanks. Your land’s soil type, what wastewater is draining into the tank, and whether you will transport the tank after selling the home will determine which tank you choose. For instance, soil with a high water content requires a concrete tank to avoid the component floating; a plastic tank is perfect for when the homeowner wants to transport it.
Upkeep & Maintenance
The type of septic system you choose can affect how you maintain your tank. For instance, an aerobic treatment unit acts much like a city’s sewer system and may not need as much upkeep as a conventional system that needs pumping every three to five years. Become familiar with how to maintain each system to decide how much upkeep and maintenance you’re willing to do to take care of the tank.
There are many things you should consider before choosing a septic tank for your home. While this is an excellent alternative for waste management when you’re not within a city’s limits, you need to be mindful of which tank you choose to receive the most benefits. Don’t forget to ensure you’re placing your tank within your city’s local code and regulations before installation to avoid complications.