Solar Panel Care for Winter Months - The Dos and Don'ts

Solar panels provide economical, clean, and renewable energy. However it is widely known these panels become less efficient in winter. Climatic conditions like lower sun angles, cloudy weather, and short sunny hours affect the performance of solar panels. Fortunately, proper maintenance and preventive measures ensure a consistent solar power supply even in cold seasons.
Our solar panel experts compiled some maintenance do's and don'ts for solar panels to put clients' investments to good use for the long run.
Accumulation of snow, grit, and dust on the surface of solar panels is a common factor that lowers the conversion rate of solar photovoltaic cells. Tiny accumulated particles increase the surface friction and temperature of solar panels, which slips the energy conversion rate. Proper cleaning is essential to maintain and retain efficient solar panels throughout cold seasons. Every two months, rinse surfaces with water or slightly soapy liquid will be sufficient to remove tough grit. This simple washing will ensure a steady and consistent supply of solar power all year round.
Always go for professional technicians
Solar panel installation is a technical work that requires instructed experts to sidestep any loss. To successfully execute the delicate work of solar panel installation, go for well-trained installers. They follow CEC protocol and have all the essential equipment. Also, only professionally installed solar panels are eligible for public feed-in tariffs and rebates. Thus, always opt for skilled solar panel installers.
Installation Angle
Solar power conversion is highly dependent upon the angle of panel installation. The direction of sunlight is another primary factor that specifies the duration of sunlight exposure on PV (Photovoltaic cells) and its harness into electricity. It is a rule of thumb that the optimal angle for summer is 15° tilted less than the latitude, and in winter, it should be 15° leaned greater than the latitude. Professional installers use computer simulations and analytical models to maximize the performance of solar panels. Therefore, as per site location, decide the optimal PV installation angles.
Save Energy
Electricity consumption often reduces in cold seasons, and it is an opportune time to save power and lessen the burden on solar panels. Here are a few tips to save electricity:
Turn off lights and electric appliances that are not in use
Insulate domestic and commercial spaces well because poor insulation renders more load on solar panels
Shift to energy-efficient appliances; energy saver bulbs, inverters, etc., to avoid excess use of electricity
Invest in sturdy power backups
Power backups are the most significant devices to save converted solar power for later use. Mostly deep cycle batteries are suitable for all seasons and require less maintenance if placed in apt places. Comparatively, lead acid batteries reduce almost 90% performance in minus temperatures. Also, it is essential to check the battery voltage, as it indicates battery health. If voltages drop below 12V DC, it is time to charge the batteries. Also, invest in durable and reliable power backups to avoid frequent replacements.
Avoid high-pressure washing
Most solar panels have thin silicon exteriors at the top, and underneath there are layers of photovoltaic cells for maximum sunlight exposure and conversion. High-pressure washing for grime removal will roughen the surface and create scratches. These scratches cast shadows on photovoltaic cells that slowly deplete the energy output of solar panels. Also, scratched surfaces are not eligible for warranty claims. Thus, never use high-pressure washers for cleaning.
Avoid Unnecessary Repairs and Replacements
Sometimes for minor issues, solar panels do not require whole replacement. Negligible issues like loose connections, dirt or snow accumulation, or other related concern only require maintenance. It does not mandate an entire panel replacement or significant repairs. So, do simple checkups if the efficiency of photovoltaic cells decreases.
Safety First!
Never inspect or clean solar panels without wearing safety equipment. Invest in some safety gadgets and consistently wear them while washing or examining the solar panels. Do not use abrasive materials or rinse panels with harmful chemicals because it will fade the surface and reduce the energy conversion rate of solar PVs. Therefore, wear safety gloves before inspection, and if anything seems confusing, call for professional services.
Wrapping Up
Solar energy is a sustainable alternative to traditional grid energy and ensures a clean environment with money savings. Solar PV is an evolving technology that harnesses renewable, eco-friendly energy from sunlight.
The initial installation cost is a bit expensive, but the good news is that the whole solar panel setup has a good ROI and a shorter payback period. Users with hybrid power systems must perform yearly solar panel checkups, and if found any significant issues must call professional technicians to avoid any loss. Generally, solar panels require little supervision and maintenance for efficient performance in the longer run.