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Have you or a loved one been directly exposed to Roundup occupationally or residentially and been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma? These claims are pretty rare, and lawsuits take years to resolve. People often hesitate to seek justice because it takes a long time or is expensive.

Suppose your healthcare provider has recently diagnosed you or your loved one with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. In that case, you may feel angry, scared, and worried about yourself and your family. How can you afford the cost of treatment and medical care? Is there a way to seek justice for your suffering against the at-fault party?

An experienced lawyer can address your questions and concerns and, more importantly, advise you on what to do to hold the negligent party accountable. Though no amount of compensation will undo your diagnosis, it can provide peace of mind and financial security for you and your loved ones in the years to come.

What are Roundup Cancer Claims?

Roundup is a type of herbicide that was produced in 2018 by Bayer AG. However, the active ingredient in Roundup is a restricted chemical named glyphosate. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has reported that this chemical is probably carcinogenic to humans.

Despite this, Roundup manufacturers used this chemical as an active ingredient. This has caused severe physical harm to thousands of agricultural workers, landscapers, and gardeners across the country. Many people have filed Roundup cancer claims against Bayer, alleging that the company failed to warn them of the risks associated with Roundup.

In 2020, Bayer and the company paid approximately $10 billion to settle for 125,000 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This highly lethal type of cancer originates in lymphocytes, a white blood cell in the lymphatic system. It can then spread to the bone marrow, blood, and other body parts.

How Does Roundup Cancer Affect?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reported that Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide was “probably carcinogenic” to humans in 2015. Exposure to Roundup can cause severe physical hazards like non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Some of them are mentioned below:

According to reports, over 40,000 people have filed lawsuits under the Justice Act for Roundup Cancer. You can file a claim if you or your family member has been exposed to this product.

File Your Roundup Cancer Lawsuit with Us

Lawsuits like Roundup Cancer are very complicated for people to file and pursue. Studies indicate that the annual number of pending lawsuits in MDL and other nationwide courts is 5,318. Suppose you are one of the claimants whose claim has been neglected or denied by insurance agents or public attorneys.

We are here to help you seek justice that is your lawful right. Our platform helps people find the legal help needed to pursue their cases. Billy is your trustworthy partner who assists individuals in discovering the right Mass Attorney for their lawsuit. We suggest legal assistance that can secure justice and compensation on your behalf and simplify this journey.

Type of Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Below are the kinds of lawsuits against Roundup:  

Type of Damages to Collect from Roundup Cancer Claims

Roundup's active ingredient is glyphosate, which can cause severe conditions like non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. If you or your family member have been diagnosed with this condition, it can be very overwhelming.

Still, you can file a lawsuit to get compensation for your financial and emotional suffering. Though those vary from case to case, the most common types of damages awarded to claimants are as follows:

You can claim for emotional damages, loss of parental guidance, loss of consortium, and other non-economic losses.

Why Choose Us for Your Roundup Cancer Lawsuit? is the ultimate destination for finding affordable and reliable legal assistance. We specialize in all lawsuits and can connect you with the right Mass Tort Attorney. Whether you need help with a product liability or a pharmaceutical lawsuit. We can assist you in looking for experienced, skilled, and top-ranked attorneys in your area. 

Our platform is designed to suggest the most suitable person to handle your claim. Building, filing, and pursuing a case alone can be complex. We have created a user-friendly website to make seeking justice easier for people affected by different medical or emotional traumas. Our extensive network of affiliates enables us to partner with the best law firms and Mass Tort attorneys.

When you choose us to handle your claim, we provide you with instant attorney quotes from leading legal firms. Contact Billy today to find skilled and professional Roundup Lawsuit Attorneys. Our recommended lawyers will fight for the appropriate amount that reflects the extent of your physical, mental, and financial losses.

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