Why You Should Choose a Septic System for Your Home | Billy.com

When it comes to waste management, homeowners have two significant options: septic or sewage. A sewage system directly removes waste from your home via pipes from the city, while a septic tank accumulates debris and drains the excess through a drain field on your property. Both make for great options. There are many reasons why you should choose a septic system for your home.
Environmentally Friendly
One of the most important factors of septic tanks is their environmental friendliness. All your household wastewater and other waste will go to the tank, where most liquid will drain through a leach field after a filter separates the bacteria from it. Furthermore, the water from the drain field is an excellent source for growing healthy local plant life.
Longer Lasting
Your septic tank can be long lasting if you properly maintain the system and avoid flushing harmful items and chemicals down your drains and toilets. If you’re conscious about what you put into your septic system, you should have no problems with your tank. It should last for as long as you’re in the house or upward of 30 years. These tanks only need pumping once every 3 to 5 years, as long as you follow the right steps to keep them healthy.
More Affordable
Because the tank is long lasting, you’ll be spending less money at the end of the day. When you have a sewage system in your home, you could pay a monthly fee for the city to remove the waste. But with a septic system, there are no monthly costs until you need a service technician to pump the tank. The cost to install a new tank is more affordable and cost-effective than placing new sewage pipes.
Useful Outside City Limits
Are you someone who prefers to live in rural neighborhoods? The city’s sewer system might not reach your property if you live in the country. When this is the case, choosing a septic system for your home is the logical solution that provides all the benefits above.
This type of waste management for your home may not be glamorous, but it offers many benefits you can’t overlook. Septic systems can help you save on costs, be environmentally friendly, allow you to live in the country, and last a long time. Ditch the idea of a sewage system and take advantage of the benefits of septic tanks.