Why is Energy-Efficient Roof Hatches Ideal for Green Building Application

The need to reduce energy and resource consumption in commercial buildings has never been more relevant than today. The construction industry consumes the most natural resources and produces the most waste compared to other business sectors. Therefore, promoting a zero-impact way of constructing buildings is exceptionally critical to achieving the world's overall goal of minimizing the terrible effects of global warming.
Many smart devices and sustainable products are now available globally since many consumers are now aware of the dangers of climate change. But to become more efficient, it would be ideal to consider efficiency in the beginning phase of a building design. The increasing demand from clients to incorporate efficiency in their facilities essentially paved the way for green buildings.
The modern concept of green buildings started alongside the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) development in the late 1980s. The method was later followed by the inauguration of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system in 1998. Four years later, an alliance between multiple countries created the WorldGBC.
At its core, green buildings are sustainable alternatives to traditional buildings fundamentally built with methods that have minimal regard for the environment. Designers incorporated green roofs and energy-efficient roof hatches to enhance its efficiency further.
What are Green Roofs?
Also known as rooftop gardens, a green roof is an added layer of vegetation in commercial or residential roofing systems to enhance insulation and energy performance. The garden includes a variety of flowers, plants, and even crops. It is planted over the main roof's waterproof membrane system, and the type of soil used primarily depends on the weight capacity of the roof foundation.
They provide shade, improve insulation, reduce the temperature on the roof surface, purify the air, and encourage biodiversity. Not only do green roofs benefit the building where it's installed, but they can also moderate the heat islands effect by reducing city-wide ambient temperatures by up to 5°F.
The temperature reduction and energy efficiency benefits are the primary factors to the growing popularity of rooftop gardens in the United States. In fact, the global green roof market size skyrocketed to around USD 1.1 billion in 2019 and was expected to increase at an annual rate of 17% from 2020 to 2027.
In addition, businesses can also retrofit their existing commercial roofing with materials that have higher R-values. The R-value pertains to a material's ability to reduce the movement of heat and the amount of insulation that it can provide. Proper installation of the roofing materials also helps curb the facility's monthly energy consumption.
While eco-roofs are fundamentally sustainable on their own, building owners can further reduce their energy consumption by using these roofs in conjunction with solar panels and efficient roof hatches.
Increasing Efficiency with Roofing Products
The responsibility of owning a commercial building involves making decisions on almost all aspects of the business — from what color the wall should be to which roofing materials feature energy efficiency properties. Whether you have to install a new commercial roofing system or replace your current roof, you'll find that there is now a wide variety of sustainable materials to choose from.
- SHAKE SHINGLES - Shake shingles are durable and strong enough to withstand harsh winds and sudden weather changes with minimal damage. They promote efficiency by allowing better air circulation inside the building, and they are also aesthetically pleasing.
- ASPHALT SHINGLES - Asphalt is not as durable as shake shingles, but they require less maintenance and has a wide range of colors and designs to offer aside from being efficient. They also cost less, and when combined with reflective granules, expect your commercial roof to have a higher Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) rating.
- ENERGY STAR® METAL ROOF - Metal is naturally efficient, but its efficiency increases even further when rated by ENERGY STAR®. Metal roofs are also cost-efficient and are generally easy to install. In addition, they have excellent reflective properties that keep cooling costs down, are fire-resistant, and are lightweight.
- TILE ROOFING - Researchers suggest that a properly-installed tile roofing system can significantly lower annual air conditioning costs by up to 20 percent under the Southern California heat. As the tiles overlap, it creates channels above the roof deck that allows air circulation.
- THERMAL ROOF HATCH - Installing a roof hatch with low conductivity integration and a thermally-broken frame and door can effectively minimize heat and cold transfer — thus reducing energy costs. The hatch also has acoustic components that can reduce sound transfer and penetration.
- COOL ROOF COATING - If your business operates in a hot climate state or area, you can invest in a cool roof coating to effectively reflect the scorching heat and reduce energy costs by up to 30 percent. Its innovative thermal properties improve indoor comfort and help the community by lowering outside temperatures, reducing smog, and offsetting global warming with its reflective properties.
With new commercial roof innovations always on the horizon and regular improvements on existing ecological roofing options, it is almost inevitable for every building owner to recognize the need for sustainability. Identifying your needs and choosing ENERGY STAR® materials can eventually lead to a more efficient choice.
With the growing adverse effects of the climate crisis on a global scale, building owners and other major organizations in the construction industry can do their part by embracing green initiatives and other efficient methods.
Choosing to go green also provides heaps of benefits for the business. Combining green building and eco-roofs can substantially reduce your monthly energy expenses, and the excess budget can go to improving products and other relevant investments. Good indoor air quality also improves your staff's morale, leading to higher productivity and quality performance at work.
Incorporating climate actions in your business strategy that shows your social and environmental responsibility also gives you an edge against competitors. It will attract new workers, tenants, customers, and investors because a sustainable company can positively affect society.