Ways That You’re Accidentally Damaging Your Home | Billy.com

As a homeowner, you want to ensure the well-being of your home by avoiding anything that can damage your space. While you’re diligent about doing certain tasks, there may be some things you’re doing that can hurt your home. Check out this guide on ways that you’re accidentally damaging your home for mindful considerations.
Forgetting To Use Furniture Pads on Hardwood Floors
If you have hardwood floors, furniture pads are a must-have item. The pads cover the bottoms of tables and chair legs to prevent them from scratching your floors. If you’re not using them, every time you scoot back in a chair or move furniture, you’re causing scrapes. As a result, you will have to refinish the flooring to cover the scratches.
Not Frequently Cleaning Your Gutters
Gutters are an essential part of your home’s water drainage system. If you don’t frequently clean them, you risk clogging your gutters. This could lead to many problems like foundation decay, basement flooding, or landscape erosion. Each of these can rack up a hefty repair bill. You can avoid these problems by cleaning your gutters at least twice a year. However, if you live near many trees, clean them every three months.
Ignoring Flickering Lights
Flickering lights are not always the result of a faulty lightbulb, and letting them go unchecked can put your home at risk for electrical problems. In fact, a flickering light is sometimes a warning sign of wire damage. If you notice a “faulty” bulb, replace it immediately with a new one. If the flickering problem persists, call an electrician to assess the issue.
Pouring Cooking Grease Down Your Kitchen Drain
Did you know that cooking grease is one of the common causes of sewer and drain clogs? When you pour grease down the drain, it solidifies and creates buildup, which will result in a clogged drain. Though your drain may not clog the first time your pour grease down it, the repeated action will eventually lead to a clog.
Not Using Your Bathroom’s Exhaust Fan
The purpose of your bathroom’s exhaust fan is to remove moisture from the air. When you’re showering, the steam will create moisture, and the fan will draw it out while improving air quality. Failure to run the exhaust fan will cause mold to form in different areas of your bathroom. After showering, run the fan for at least twenty minutes to draw out excess moisture.
An essential part of being a homeowner is avoiding practices and habits that can damage your space. You may have a habit of using certain cleaning solutions or turning off lights. However, you may do some other things that can hurt your home without your realizing it! Now that you know these ways that you’re accidentally damaging your home, you’ll be able to avoid them and keep your home in good condition.