The Importance of Keeping Pigeons Away From Your Home |

When you think of pests, you probably think of bugs and rodents. However, birds—especially pigeons—can also pose a risk to your home. From unsightly droppings to serious roof problems, pigeons can cause a lot of issues. Learn the importance of keeping pigeons away from your home and the steps you can take to protect your property with this guide.
Pesky Pigeon Problems
Before deciding how to handle pigeons around your home, you need to understand exactly how they can affect your property. First and foremost, pigeons are unhygienic. They serve as airborne parasite carriers and can spread diseases like E. coli and cryptococcosis. Pigeon droppings are also corrosive and can cause surfaces to stain or deteriorate.
Pigeons also bring a lot of debris with them. If you have pigeons on your property, a buildup of feathers and nesting materials is sure to follow. Nests and other debris can clog your gutters or cause ventilation issues around attics and air vents.
Pigeons can prove especially dangerous for homes that have solar panels. If pigeons start nesting in the gap beneath your solar panels, they can harm the wiring and prevent necessary ventilation around your solar energy system.
Preventative Steps You Can Take
Pigeons are stubborn, clever, and annoyingly fearless pests, which is why it’s important to keep pigeons away from your home in the first place. Luckily, there are a few straightforward preventative measures you can take to keep these birds away from your home.
Don’t Feed the Birds
If pigeons find a food source in your yard or around your home, they’re going to keep coming back for more. Eliminate the temptation by properly sealing trash cans and other potential food sources. If you have bird feeders, avoid pigeon problems by installing a bird feeder cage or using food sources pigeons don’t like.
Eliminate Roosting Areas
Safe roosting areas—such as windowsills and solar panels—will also attract pigeons to your home. Protect these areas by installing anti-roosting measures.
Anti-roosting spike strips can prevent birds from landing on windowsills and other tempting ledges. You can also install sloping covers over windowsills to get rid of flat surfaces pigeons would otherwise use to nest. For solar panels, you can hire a professional solar service to safely install bird-proofing pigeon guards that will keep birds and other pests away from your panels.
Enlist Professional Help
As with any pest, the best way to get rid of a pigeon problem is with the help of a pest removal expert. Calling a professional pigeon or wildlife removal service is the easiest way to address the issue safely, humanely, and permanently.