Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring cleaning is one of those tasks that nobody enjoys doing but everybody is happy having done. Get the most out of your spring cleaning by following these tips to make your work efficient and quick so that you can go back to doing the things that you really like.
1. Make a Date
Make a date with yourself to clean. Mark it on your calendar and don't schedule anything else that might interrupt the process. Gather all your supplies in advance so that you're not left having to make a last-minute trip to the store to buy rubber gloves or paper towels. Set out your cleaning caddy the night before along with your work clothes. Load up some energetic songs onto a playlist. Choose songs that you love to sing aloud because on spring cleaning day, this is your privilege. Eat a hearty breakfast complete with green superfood powder and a multivitamin so that you will have slow-release energy all day. Plan an evening reward for yourself such as a nice dinner out or a soak in your newly cleaned tub. Keep your eye on the prize as your tackle the muck.
2. Take the Dog to the Groomer
Spring cleaning day is the perfect day to get the dog groomed. Ask your spouse or neighbor to drop Fido off in the morning. When he or comes home, you won't have to worry about him walking through the house with muddy paws.
3. Strip the Beds
If it's time to wash the sheets and towels, go ahead and get this started. Strip all the sheets, pillowcases, blankets and towels from each bed and bathroom. If you plan to wash comforters too, this may have to be completed at a laundromat if your washer isn't big enough to accommodate the bulk. Do this on another day so that you can focus your energy on your house. Set a time for the length of the wash cycle. If you're in another part of the house, you might not hear the timer go off. To be efficient with your time, you'll need to keep the washer and dryer humming all day.
4. Do a Quick Pick Up
Play a quick game of Pick Up 20 where you walk through the house and pick up 20 items that are on the floor or otherwise in the way of cleaning. Load them into a laundry basket. When you've collected 20 items, go back to the start and distribute items to their correct places. End at the trash can. Whatever is left gets thrown away, recycled or put in a donation bag for Goodwill. If you have small children, you can enlist them in this "game" by making it a race to see who can find and return the misplaced items first.
5. Start at the Top
Some experts will tell you to clean room by room, and if you prefer that system, go for it. For efficiency's sake, it may be faster to concentrate your effort on the type of cleaning you're doing. For example, by starting at the top, you can carry just a dry mop or duster and your step stool to reach the tops of doorways and air vents. There is no need to also lug around the vacuum cleaner and spray bottles too. Dust ceiling fans, change air filters and clean out light fixtures. Wear a mask and protective eyewear because dust will fall down.
6. Move to the Eye Level
The top part of the middle zone of the room is whatever you find at eye level such as mirrors, pictures, bookshelves and other window treatments. Go through each room with a duster and then back through with a vacuum cleaner for curtains. If you want to wash your curtains, take them down when you strip the beds so you have enough time to get them washed, dried and ironed. Cleaning mini-blinds can be time-consuming, and there are several different ways to go about it including using a microfiber cloth dunked in soapy water or using a special attachment to your vacuum cleaner. Finally, go back through each room with Windex and clean windows, pictures and mirrors.
7. Move to the Mid-Low Zone
This zone is right at about waist level and the traditional place where you tend to spend most of your time cleaning. The mid-low zone includes countertops, toilets, bathtubs and furniture. Again, divide your time by the type of task rather than the room so that you don't have to cart loads of cleaning equipment around the house. Vacuum upholstered furniture, polish wood surfaces and disinfect high-touch areas. If any sheets are ready to be put back on, do this now while you're in this zone.
8a. Hit the Bottom
You're so close to finishing at this point, you can probably taste the reward you have planned for yourself! The first stop at the bottom is the baseboards. A sponge and a bucket of warm soapy water or water and vinegar are all you need. This is a great job for little ones to help with because they are so much closer to the ground already. Teach them how to wring out the sponge well so the floor doesn't get wet. Next, sweep all surfaces, then mop. While the hard floors are drying, vacuum the carpeted areas.
8b. Spruce Up the Outside
Take a few minutes to clean off the front and back porch. It would be a shame if someone tracked leaves or dirt through the newly cleaned house. Give the front and back a quick sweep to keep the forces of nature outside if only for a little while.
9. Empty the Trash
Although you may have done this along the way, you probably also created garbage while you cleaned. Do one more sweep through the house collecting paper towels, scrub brushes and cleaning supplies. Take the vacuum cleaner outside to empty the filter.
10. Finish the Laundry
Make the last bed and fold the last towel. You're finished!
Bask in the glow of your clean home, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when you finally finish. Make sure to give yourself the reward you planned even if you're tired because you deserve it!