How To Raise The Resale Value Of Your Home Through Landscaping

Selling a house is one of the biggest things you’re likely to ever do with your life. It will give you either a slush fund from which to pick and choose where you want to go next or some of the funds towards a brand new house. Either way, if you’ve made the decision to sell, there’s probably a lot of things running through your mind right now.
If the interior of your home needs work, it’s easy to get caught up in that. Between plumbers and builders and roofers and all other types of contractors, it’s easy to forget that the outside of your house also exists and also needs attention.
If you’re struggling for a vision on how to turn your sprawling, unkempt garden into a gorgeous, attractive space for any would-be buyer, consult a landscaper. Or, if you’re extra motivated, then you could even consider starting a lawn care business or landscaping business.
Landscaping can add anywhere from 15-25% of the resale value of your home. You can’t let that potential value go to waste. Here are some ideas on how to transform your current space into an inviting, warm, and transformable space for any prospective buyer — as much as they might like the current arrangement, they’ll eventually want to make it their own.
Add a patio
One idea to add some value, although it requires some investment is the installation of a patio or deck outdoors to give you that meld of the indoor and outdoor space.
This patio doesn’t have to be some concrete slabs, you can be as creative with your patio space as you like -— for example, wooden patios are an investment in the space but they also add a whole new aesthetic that concrete simply cannot provide: there’s a warmth to wood!
However you choose to patio your back garden, it will definitely add some value to any prospective buyer.
Outdoor lighting
You don’t want to go outside in the back garden in the dark, do you? Neither would any prospective buyer. The addition of outdoor lighting, particularly those run by solar power can add a sense of security to a home, with a dash of environmentalism in there as well.
Make sure your grass is cut
It goes without saying that a well-manicured lawn is sure to attract the right person. Perhaps the potential buyer loves nothing more than to cut the grass on a warm summer weekend, or can see some potential to have their kids playing on it.
Either way, it’s very important that you keep the grass well kept. Tear out the old grass and replace it with fresh, new, green grass to give it that ‘just renovated’ feel that is sure to attract a new owner. Keep it mowed when you’re doing open homes, and use a whipper snipper to trim the edges so it looks nice and tidy.
Switching to artificial grass is also an eco-friendly solution that attracts new homeowners. It requires no watering, no mowing, and no fertilizing, leaving you with a lush and inviting lawn all throughout the year.
Add plants and flowers
This should be a no-brainer, but the addition of plants and flowers of various types will certainly up the value of your home. Nobody likes a wide-open lawn space with nothing to break it up. Plants add scale and sectionality to a lawn.
Lilly pilly hedges are a great start to your arboreal awakening, so start there. Get some native plants and add those to your garden, and consider seasonal flowers that will brighten the home throughout the year.
Add some trees to give longevity
If you’re looking to leave a mark on the property that you’re about to leave behind, plant a few trees on the property. Consult a landscaper for this part, as you’re going to want to know the ideal spacing between each tree, growth projections to prevent potentially damaging overhang.
Even the planting of one or two trees that will grow over decades is a great way to add character to a garden. Keep in mind that trees will outlive you and so you may consider your way to make a mark on the land before you leave it. Choose your tree(s) wisely.
Regardless of how you choose to add value to your home, don’t forget to check your gardens before you put the listing on the market. You might be missing an extra 15-20% on top of your current valuation.