How To Find the Motivation for Spring Cleaning |

Is the idea of spring cleaning not all that appealing to you? There are ways to get yourself motivated to pick up those gloves and get dirty.
When the weather starts to get nicer and the days start to get longer, the last thing most people want to do is clean the house they’ve been stuck in all winter. While understandable, spring is the perfect time to begin cleaning up and decluttering your place. Cleaning, in general, can sometimes be challenging, but spring cleaning can be a whole new level of stress. We’re going to show you how to find the motivation for spring cleaning so that your home can come alive with the new season.
Make a Step-by-Step Plan
Planning out your cleaning doesn’t sound like a blast, but it will be helpful throughout the process. Rather than looking at your whole house as one giant project, making a plan breaks up the job into smaller tasks that are more manageable. Refer back to the plan whenever you don’t know what to do next; it’ll cut down on downtime between cleaning tasks.
Start Simple
You may want to tackle the big jobs first, but you run into the risk of not having the motivation to do those big tasks. That’s why you want to start with the simpler stuff:
- Throw away any visible trash
- Gather up clothes that need washing
- Make a box for things you plan to donate
- Dust the elevated areas of a room like fans and light fixtures
By starting with things that you can do quickly, you get yourself into a cleaning mode. This momentum makes it easier to continue cleaning since you’ve already started.
Gather All Your Cleaning Supplies
One of the easiest ways to find motivation for spring cleaning is to gather up all the cleaning supplies you need and put them within plain view. Gather your bleach, all-purpose cleaner, paper towels, disinfecting spray, vacuum cleaner, and whatever else you need. Then, put them somewhere you can’t miss. The simple visual cue will help kickstart your cleaning process and really get you going.
Time Yourself
You don’t need to turn your spring cleaning into a race unless that helps motivate you, but sticking to a set time frame can be incredibly helpful. Allocate an amount of time when you’re willing to do nothing but clean, then schedule breaks around those cleaning sessions. These frequent work-break cycles will keep you from burning out on cleaning too quickly before you get to the more challenging stuff.