Here’s How You Design a Fun and Lively Kids’ room

When your kids reach an age where they need separate bedrooms, always ensure their space reflects their little personalities. Ask them what they like and conceptualize how you will create it. Then, gather all the things you already have and make a list of things you still need to acquire. Since children spend most of their time in the bedroom, consider decorating it in a stylish, practical, and cosy way. Here are the decorating ideas that work best from toddler’s room to teen’s and all ages in-between.
Do kids really need their own rooms?
There is an unending debate whether kids should have their separate rooms or not? Parents often move their kids to their room after toddlerdom while others wait for a better time. We however believe you should give your child a separate room that can serve as a bit of a world for them.
- A neat and organized place evokes their full potential and helps them grow better physically and mentally.
- A separate room in early childhood also develops independence and responsibility in your child.
- It gives parents the privacy they need; moreover, it also offers children the privacy they need.
Tip#1: Less is better
Kids' room should be simple with minimal furnishing, so you will have a more neutral canvas that you can fill as your child grows. More open space with less décor means your child can play freely. Thus, when it comes to kids' rooms, the first and most vital tip is to always put playtime first, with some open shelving to put well-loved toys within sight.
Tip#2: Create kids-friendly space
Your child is probably three feet tall; with that in mind, always create a kid-friendly space. Put yourself in your child's feet and try to curate as functional a room as you can. For example, low bins and open shelving encourage self-responsibility where the child feels it a task to put back things in their place when he or she is done playing.
Tip#3: Place a rug
Rugs are an excellent way to bring more warmth into any place. Placing a matching rug by the bed gives your child enough space to stretch out and play with toys or do their favourite art project. Rugs are also a better option than wall-to-wall carpets as they are easy to clean and remove.If the child is young and misplaces it every time, it is better to use double-sided tape to keep it in its place. The rug selection should also be according to the overall theme – get one that has fun elements or your child’s favourite cartoon character.
Tip#4: Get creative with storage
Always incorporate more storage into a child's room. Better think out of the box and inculcate the storage stuff into decor. Make better choices: hang oak floating shelves or build cabinets that blend with the overall theme. At the same time, the theme selection should be made according to the child's favourite motifs, animals or cartoon characters. Since kids grow up super fast, always create something that your child may not be embarrassed about after two or three years. Framed posters or anything that can be replaced as your child grows is another fantastic option.
Tip#5: Add graphics
When you do custom painting in a child room or add graphics, whether through decals or wallpapers it literally brightens up a child’s room and adds zest to a specific sitting. The type of graphics depends upon the method you choose and what budget you’ve allocated for them. A cheerful theme incorporating their favourite cartoon characters will be the best. Since kids grow up super-fast and their preferences change, always create something that can fit well even after a year or two.
Tip#6: Create separate work and play zones
To keep your child’s room clutter-free, define play and work zones. Designate one part of the room as a workspace for homework or creative art projects. We suggest placing a sturdy table near a window for a workspace, so there is plenty of fresh air and natural light. Better opt for neutral styling to help your child focus better on his studies. On the flip side, create a bright corner with your child’s favourite toys, games and stuffed animals for the play area. Kids love animals, and putting their favourite animal’s photo will look super cute and fun in their playzone. They generally love tigers, bunnies, deer, owls, cats or dogs.
Whatever your child adores, be it an animal, a cartoon character or anything, get some printable art and hang them somewhere on the wall.
Tip#7: Incorporate pattern and texture
The pattern and texture have a significant role in creating a perfect room for a child. Always be careful when it comes to using pattern and texture – employing a power combo of textural layers and graphic patterns to craft a well-balanced, visually appealing space is possible with the right selection of colors. A study conducted in Michigan state university concluded that childrens make predictions and understand what comes next with the help of a pattern. It also boosts their logical connections and reasoning skills. Do you know the stepsisters of colours ( black and white ) are vital combinations of the most renowned designers; they literally can take a room from blah to awe-inspiring in no time.
Tip#8: Place some educational things in the room
Do not just stick with graphics and colourful wallpapers but place things that aid their learning process like charts, books, educational toys. You better incorporate things that can make learning fun. In addition, it is also okay to use pictures of kids' fondest memories like achievement day, activities, or while you were on a family vacation.