6 Tips For Hiring A Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

When one thinks of remodeling or renovating a house, the bathroom generally takes the backseat. However, if done correctly, a well-renovated bathroom and plumbing can become one of the biggest selling points for a property. That being said, typically, homeowners are not remodeling experts, and thus, they would require the help of a contractor. Following that train of thought, here are 6 tips to hire a quality remodeling contractor.
6 tips for hiring the most competent bathroom renovators
- Start With A Clear Plan
While it might be tempting to run wild with your creativity, it is important to actually stay pragmatic and take stock of your current living conditions. If you are living in your own property and don’t plan on selling or renting it out, then you can go ahead and renovate your bathroom to your desired specifications. However, if you are living in a property that you plan to give out for rent, then you need to be more cautious with your remodeling choices.
In the case, you might rent out your home, make sure to not go for hyper-customization in your design and amenities. Sticking to simple decor, widely-used color templates and basic upgrades would go a long way to make your bathroom look appealing.
On the flip side, going for quirkier options and highly-customized amenities might end up being off-putting for the potential tenants, thereby lowering the appeal of your property. To get a clear picture of appropriate designs for your bathroom, you can enlist the services of one of our expert contractors.
2. Interview Three Or More Bathroom Contractors
If you are remodeling your bathroom for the first time, it is paramount that you don’t choose the first contractor you come across, as you may not know if they are the right fit for the job. As a general rule of thumb, interview at least three or more bathroom contractors. It will not only expand your perspective and knowledge, but your questions will also get more specific as you meet more candidates.
For example, one major concern for you might be safety, as many bathrooms are the hotbed of glass-related mishaps. Hence, you might want to know if the contractor also prioritizes the same by installing safety glass for the windows and the shower area, for safety glass is robust and is less likely to injure a person in case of damage.
Thus, by being clear with your expectations and by meeting more contractors, you can make a more informed decision. To get a head start, interview some of our quality remodeling contractors before making a choice.
3. Get Estimates In Writing
Construction projects, even those that involve interior renovations, might become complicated in terms of timeline and total expenses. It is not uncommon for a construction project to extend in terms of duration as well as the actual expenses, making it quite a hassle for an investor.
Thus, as a homeowner, you must devise a foolproof plan that will protect you against such unfortunate events.
One of the best ways to ensure fair work and compensation is to get an estimate in writing from the contractor. Any renovator will provide a verbal estimate over the phone or by visual inspection, but only the trustworthy ones will agree to a written agreement. Make sure to get the estimated time and costs clearly in writing, which should also include the schedule of the actual work, the payment methods, a warranty for the products and services used to renovate the bathroom, and more.
4. Determine The Budget For Remodeling
Closely connected with the point above, it is necessary to figure out a price range for bathroom remodeling on your own before you hear an estimate from a contractor. This will help you compare quotes and zero in on the right budget.
One of the best ways to get a realistic price range is by doing some research of your own and looking at the experiences of other people who hired contractors. Try to find a bathroom that is similar to yours in size and layout, and find out how much it cost for them to get it remodelled.
With this price estimate in mind, you can now clearly understand if a contractor is legitimate or if they are trying to add hidden costs to the entire operation. This will not only help you stay within your budget, but it will also vet out potential scammers who might cost you a fortune. However, be cautious of contractors who also quote a very low price, for it is often just for the labour and not for the materials.
5. Plan A Site Visit For The Contractor
An important step for choosing the right contractor, it is vital for homeowners to allow them to first visit the property and inspect the bathroom. Often, this is a very good way to understand the vision and professionalism of a particular contractor. When they are inspecting, be prepared to answer a lot of questions regarding your property and also ask many questions, as it’s essential for you and the contractor to be on the same page during all phases of the project.
To sum it up, a site visit is a perfect time to thoroughly examine the work ethics and expertise of a contractor and to also make sure that the desired renovations can be accomplished within the budget you have in mind.
Lastly, once all the details have been ironed out during the site visit, be sure to sign a legal contract so that all the points you have agreed upon are legally binding.
6. Choose The Contractor Who Is The Best Fit
Ultimately, the contractor you select will be on your premises for a long time, hence it’s vital to get along with them. While price is a major factor in choosing a renovator for your bathroom, it should by no means be the only criteria, for the workmanship and the quality of goods involved will also influence the final result.
For optimal results, try to find a contractor who has a lot of experience. If required, you can also ask them for details about their previous work or take a look at it on their website or social media, if they have any. Lastly, also seek out testimonials of previous clients, so you can ascertain that the contractor is the right fit for your project.
Of course, opting for the best remodeling contractor in the area might be quite expensive. Hence, if your budget is limited, try to strike a balance between economy and quality.
These tips are just a rough guideline to help you select a bathroom remodeling contractor that might be the best fit for your specific requirements. Make sure to do your research and ask a lot of questions before finalizing the one to undertake the bathroom renovation project.
Confused about hiring bathroom renovators? Find the best remodeling contractors with Billy.
Author's Bio:
Dhruv Mehta is a Digital Marketing Professional who works as a brand consultant and provides solutions in the digital era. In his free time, he loves to write about marketing, business, finance & tech. Follow him on Twitter or connect with him via LinkedIn.