6 Essential Things to Consider When Choosing Your Next Backyard Tree

Planting a tree in your backyard may require both time and effort to make it grow and flourish. And although a lot of people are too hesitant to include trees in their landscaping projects, having trees can be very beneficial, and they are worth planting in your yard. First, trees can keep your yard cool during the summer, providing shade while you keep watch on your kids playing around. Moreover, trees reduce the amount of heat emitted by the sun, keeping your home comfortable and convenient. During the winter season, the trees in your yard act as a wall to reduce the amount of wind and cold that enters your home. On top of that, trees can improve the air quality of your space. Today, air pollution plays a key role in contributing to health damage. Scientifically speaking, trees can absorb carbon dioxide, a substance that can cause respiratory diseases.
Hence, if you are planning to plant a tree in your backyard, it is important to consider essential things so that you would be choosing the right one for your yard. In such a case where you want to replace your old tree, you may need the assistance of your local tree removal central coast service providers. More importantly, these professionals are also qualified to maintain your landscape through tree pruning, cutting, and lopping. They will also give you expert advice on how to keep your trees healthy, especially if your area is prone to erosion. Read on to learn the essentials of choosing your tree for your next backyard project.
1. Find Your Purpose In Planting A Tree
One of the main reasons why you want to get a tree is that you have a purpose for it. You have to know why you need to plant a new tree so that you will be able to choose the suitable one. Most homeowners purchase a tree because they want to enjoy their porch, or they want to add a tree to fill a space in their yard. However, in choosing your next tree, it might be wise to find a tree that can solve your yard problem. In this way, choosing the right tree will actually benefit you, rather than give you problems in the future. It might be helpful to think of problems that you would like to solve by planting a tree.
2. Backyard Location Of Your Tree
While it may be easy to plant anywhere in your backyard, it is crucial that you consider the location. You need to check whether your area has full exposure to the sun, or there are already trees that cover the ground. This is vital because you want to plant a tree that can thrive and grow healthy. There are trees that need the sun in order to grow, and having a yard that is already fully shaded, might impede growth. While some people never really give importance to the location, this could eventually create problems in your property. Some trees are planted too near the structures that the roots can create damage either to the water lines and pipelines or to the house itself.
3. Condition Of Your Soil
When choosing your next backyard tree, you also have to consider the condition of your soil. In such a way, you will know what trees would best fit your soil condition. Your soil might be too rocky or has a large amount of clay. Aside from that, soil can be wet or dry, thereby, it is highly needed to have your soil examined. In case you need professional help, you can consult with your local tree arborist to give you expert advice.
4. Environmental Climate
The environmental climate of your area is a major consideration in choosing your tree, as well as in planning your landscape garden. Knowing your climate will make it easy to choose the most suitable trees. Depending on your climate, trees can flourish in the right amount of rainfall and temperature ranges.
5. The Type Of Tree
When purchasing a tree for your yard, it is crucial to choose the type of tree that could definitely benefit you and your family. Depending on how large your yard is, you have to consider the height and the width. Choosing the right tree will make your yard more convenient, safe and comfortable.
6. Proper Tree Care
Finally, you also have to consider how to execute proper tree care. To make sure that your tree can have healthy growth, watering, cultivating and applying a natural fertilizer must be done. Additionally, weeds and grass must be kept away from the trunk to foster better growth.
Planting trees not only improve the curb appeal of your home but also provide convenience and comfort. If you are planning to upgrade your yard by planting trees, there’s no better solution than to seek the assistance of professional arborists to help you with your backyard tree project.